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All Events Calendar

Upcoming events

    • 01/05/2025
    • 12/07/2025
    • 12 sessions
    • MSA - Range B 2:00pm

    The ARA is a sanctioning body for .22lr bench rest competitions.  Both the Unlimited and Factory class have 20 minutes to shoot a 25 bull target for a maximum score of 2500.  For the official rules click here.  To view the schedule please click here.  And, to see the ARA target click here.

    We'll have our monthly ARA match this Sunday in Midland, hope you can make it. We now have a permanent 50 yard target line on Range B.  Safety is absolutely paramount; we simply can't take any chances with the oilfield workers behind the berm.  ANY safety rule violations will result in immediate disqualification.

    12:00 - 12:30 Range will go cold to allow shooters to setup flags and/or targets.
    12:30 - 13:00 Practice (range will be hot the entire time, we will not go cold to set targets or flags).
    13:00 - 13:10 Range will be cold to allow shooters to setup flags and/ targets.
    13:10 - 13:40 Practice (range will be hot the entire time, we will not go cold to set targets or flags).
    13:40 Safety Meeting.
    13:50 - 14:00 Range will be cold to allow shooters to setup flags and/or targets.
    14:00 Match begins.

    In accordance with ARA rules, we will be drawing for benches.  When you come onto the range, first go to the clubhouse and register for the match and draw for a bench, then you can park closer to the bench you will be shooting from.

    Many shooters have expressed the desire to clean their rifles between targets, so we will have a 15 minute break between each target to allow shooters to clean their rifles and take a short break.  You can use this time for any purpose, but nobody will be allowed downrange because some shooters will be cleaning their rifles and handling them on the line.

    We will be using the electronic scoring system.  Please be patient, look your targets over and let us know if you think you target has been scored wrong. Tommy Fort has put in a LOT of time getting the computer scoring up to speed, but if it gives trouble we will have to go back to manual scoring, again please be patient.
    Hope to see you there!!
    100s & 2500s,
    Patti, John & Tommy

    • 01/11/2025
    • 12/13/2025
    • 12 sessions
    • MSA - Range B
                                             Center Fire Benchrest  -  12:00 Range B

    Mike Conry - Match Director  432-528-8718 

      4/15/2023,  9:00 AM  LV/HV  100/200

    4/16/2023,  9:00 AM  -  LV/HV  100/200

    Range B Closed Saturday

    5/13/2023, 10:00 AM  -  HV  100/200

    7/8/2023, 9:00 AM  -  HV  100/200

    7/09/2023, 9:00 AM  -  UL/SP  100/200

    Range B Closed Saturday

    8/12/2023, 9:00 AM -  HV  100/200

    9/09/2023, 9:00 AM -  HV  100/200

    • 01/11/2025
    • 12/13/2025
    • 12 sessions
    • Clubhouse 6:00 pm

    Board of Management Meeting

    Second Saturdays

    We will be having a Board of Management meeting in the Clubhouse at 6:00.

    We will discuss current events, range maintenance and changes needed at the range.


    If you would like to attend and address an issue,

    please contact one of the board members to discuss it before the meeting.

    Mike Conry:

    John Krenik:

    Tommy L. Fort:

    Nick Tynes:

    • 01/18/2025
    • 12/20/2025
    • 12 sessions
    • R&P Range

    Contact John Krenik for details!

    • 01/25/2025
    • 12/27/2025
    • 12 sessions
    • MSA Rifle Range D / C

    Match Director Freddy Haltom
    4th Saturday - Range D and East End of Range C
    9:00 am


    • 01/25/2025
    • 12/27/2025
    • 12 sessions
    • MSA - Pistol Bays


                                     USPSA Logo


                                       Match Director:  John Morrison
                                           4108 E County Road 160
                                              Midland Texas 79706
                       To register for Steel Challenge matches, please visit:


                         Matches are held on the Fourth Saturday of the month.

    Set up at 9:00, start shooting at 10:00.

    New to Steel Challenge?  See more info here:
    • 01/26/2025
    • 12/28/2025
    • 12 sessions
    • MSA Range B 2:00



    RANGE B  2:00 PM

    (Setup 1:00)

    100 yard match - .22LR only
    Three relays - 15 shots per relay 
    **Be there early to help set up targets**
    and get some practice shots

    Stick around to help put targets up !!


    • 02/08/2025
    • 12/13/2025
    • 11 sessions
    • MSA Rifle and Pistol Range - Pistol Bays

    IDPA is the use of practical equipment including full charge service ammunition to solve simulated real world self-defense scenarios using practical handguns and holsters that are suitable for self-defense use. The main goal is to test the skill and ability of an individual.

    IDPA offers an exciting forum for practical shooters in which truly practical equipment, techniques and courses of fire are mandated. Prior to IDPA, there was no place to compete with common service pistols. There were no shooting sports where your concealed carry holster could also be your match holster without handicap.

    When you come to an IDPA match, you can not only use your duty/CCW equipment, you can be completely competitive with it! 

    If you’re interested in using truly practical pistols to solve challenging and exciting defensive shooting problems, then IDPA is the sport for you.

    Matches are usually the 2nd Saturday of each month (check the event calendar for details).  Register on or in person on match day. 

    • 03/29/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    • Midland Shotgun

    • 04/06/2025
    • 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Midland Shotgun Range

    • 05/02/2025
    • 8:00 AM
    • 05/04/2025
    • 6:00 PM
    • Midland Shotgun Range

    • 05/21/2025
    • Midland Shotgun Range 7400 WCR 170

    • 06/22/2025
    • 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Midland Shotgun Range

    • 07/20/2025
    • 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Midland Shotgun Range

    • 08/24/2025
    • 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Midland Shotgun Range

    • 09/05/2025
    • Midland Shotgun Range, 7400 WCR 170

    • 09/14/2025
    • 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM

    • 09/19/2025
    • Midland Shotgun Range, 7400 WCR 170

    • 10/04/2025
    • Midland Shotgun Range, 7400 WCR 170

    • 10/12/2025
    • 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM

    • 10/24/2025
    • Midland Shotgun Range, 7400 WCR 170

    • 11/23/2025
    • 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Midland Shotgun Range

    • 12/13/2025
    • 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Midland Shotgun Range

Past events

03/16/2025 ST. Paddys Clays
02/16/2025 Cold Cold Heart
01/19/2025 First Pair Coming
01/18/2025 First Pair Coming Registered Shoot
12/15/2024 Last Pair Coming
12/07/2024 R&P Volunteer Work Day
11/16/2024 ABRA Rimfire Benchrest
11/10/2024 Thanksgiving Shoot
11/01/2024 Only one bite ministries charity shoot
10/27/2024 MSA Swap Meet
10/13/2024 Harvest Time Clays
10/05/2024 Busting Hunger Charity Shoot
09/14/2024 Hola Paloma Clays
09/12/2024 Priority Power company shoot
08/24/2024 Dog Days Clays
08/17/2024 Jeff Wemmer Memorial Shoot/ St Johns Episcopal School
07/25/2024 Helice Shoot
07/20/2024 Breakfast & Birds
07/13/2024 HOT HOT HOT Clays
06/15/2024 Summer Shootout
05/22/2024 Midstream Networking Charity Shoot
05/10/2024 ICORE South Regional West Texas Shootout
05/06/2024 Pistol Bays 0-9 Closed
05/04/2024 Appleseed 25m Rifle Marksmanship Event
05/03/2024 West Texas Buckle Championship
04/20/2024 ASAP Industries Company Shoot
04/11/2024 Priority Power Company Shoot
04/06/2024 Spring Clays
03/03/2024 St. Paddy's Clays
02/25/2024 F-MINUS 100yd .22LR ONLY - Range B - 2:00 pm Fourth Sunday (Click here for more info)
02/24/2024 Steel Challenge - 4th Saturday - Setup 9:00 - Shoot 10:00 (For more information click here)
02/17/2024 PRS .22LR Match
02/17/2024 Cold Cold Heart Registered Shoot
02/10/2024 Board of Management Meeting Second Saturdays - 6:00pm in the clubhouse (Click here for more info)
02/10/2024 Center Fire Benchrest - 9:00 Range B
02/10/2024 Permian Basin IDPA Club Match
02/04/2024 ARA .22lr Match - 50 yds - 1st Sunday - Range B (Click here for more info)
12/02/2023 SANTA CLAYS
10/21/2023 MSA 2023 SWAP & EAT MEET !!! (Click here for more info)
10/07/2023 West Side Lions Club Charity Shoot
10/06/2023 VFW Charity Shoot
09/30/2023 9:00 Range Clean Up and Target Backer Cutting Day !! (For more information, click here)
09/29/2023 Odessa Christian Faith Center Charity Shoot
09/13/2023 Team Building Shoot
09/09/2023 IDPA Safety Officer Class
08/26/2023 Dog Days Registered Shoot
08/25/2023 St John's School Charity Shoot
07/29/2023 breakfast and Birds
07/27/2023 Helice Shoot
07/27/2023 RAM Services Team Building
07/15/2023 Breakfast & Birds
07/13/2023 Helice Shoot
05/21/2023 Steel Challenge - 3rd Sunday - Setup 12:00 - Shoot 1:00 (For more information click here)
04/15/2023 Center Fire Benchrest - 9:00 Range B
04/09/2023 Easter Sunday Closed
03/12/2023 SPRING CLAYS
02/19/2023 Palomas Frias Registered Clay Shoot
01/28/2023 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) - Range E closed during match
01/21/2023 BOWLING PIN CHALLENGE - Third Saturdays in the pistol bays - Setup 9:00, Shoot at 10:00 (Click here for more info)
01/14/2023 Board of Management Meeting Second Saturdays - 6:00pm in the clubhouse (Click here for more info)
01/14/2023 Permian Basin IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
01/08/2023 F-Class Match 2:00 Range B. Setup 1:00. (Click here for more details)
12/24/2022 PRS .22LR Match - Various Stages - 4th Saturday - Range B - 9:00 am (Click here for more info)
12/18/2022 Santa Registered Clay Shoot (NSCA)
12/15/2022 NIGHT SHOOT
12/08/2022 NIGHT SHOOT
12/06/2022 12/6/22 BOD meeting
12/04/2022 ARA .22lr Match - 50 yds - 1st Sunday - Range B - 2:00 (Click here for more info)
12/01/2022 NIGHT SHOOT
11/27/2022 F-MINUS 100yd .22LR ONLY - Range B - 2:00 pm Fourth Sunday (Click here for more info)
11/26/2022 .22LR PRS - Fourth Saturday 9:00 am Range B For more info click HERE
11/19/2022 CANCELLED - Thanksgiving Registered Clay Shoot
11/17/2022 NIGHT SHOOT
11/05/2022 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
10/23/2022 F-Minus 4th Sunday 2:00 Range B For more info click HERE
10/16/2022 Harvesting Registered Clay Shoot
10/15/2022 LadySeed (range D closed during the event)
10/02/2022 AMERICAN RIMFIRE ASSOCIATION (ARA) Combined Club Tournament (Range B Closed)
10/01/2022 (ARA) Combined Club Tournament Practice (Range B Closed)
09/29/2022 Eddie Bowman Energy Workforce Technology Council Event
09/25/2022 F-Minus - Fourth Sunday on Range B. Setup at 12:00 - Shoot at 2:00 Click here for more info
09/16/2022 Busting Hunger - West Side Lions Club Midland Texas
09/15/2022 ***BURGERS & BIRDS - SEPTEMBER 15TH, 2022***
09/11/2022 9/11 Never Forget Registered Clay Shoot (NSCA)
09/10/2022 Benchrest Match
09/04/2022 ARA 50yd .22 Match - Set up at 12:00 Shoot at 2:00 Click here for more info
08/28/2022 F-Minus 100 yd .22LR Match Set up 12:00 Shoot at 2:00
08/28/2022 Dog Day Registered Clay Shoot (NSCA)
08/20/2022 Bowling Pin Challenge - In the pistol bays. Setup 8:30 Shoot 9:30 - Click here for more info
08/20/2022 Appleseed Known Distance (ranges C, D, E closed)
08/19/2022 St. John Shoot
08/13/2022 Benchrest Match
07/30/2022 Private Party
07/17/2022 Make America Great Again Registered Clay Shoot (NSCA)
07/09/2022 Benchrest Match 7/9 & 7/10
06/24/2022 Keys Of Hope Charity Shoot
06/18/2022 Appleseed (range D closed during the event)
06/12/2022 Summer Shoot Out Registered Clay Shoot (NSCA)
06/04/2022 Work Day at R&P Range
05/29/2022 Steel Challenge (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
05/26/2022 West Texas Food Bank
05/21/2022 West Texas Buckle Championship Registered Clay Shoot
05/14/2022 Benchrest Match
05/07/2022 ICORE Permian basin Wheel Guns Local
05/06/2022 Ellen Noel Art Museum Charity Shoot
04/09/2022 Appleseed (range D closed during the event)
03/26/2022 Bullseye!
03/24/2022 Rig Riders Clay Shoot 2022 Annual Shoot
03/21/2022 Roseland Oil and Gas Shoot
03/13/2022 F Class Rifle Competition - MSA Range D - Setup at 12:00 Shoot at 2:00 - Click here for more info
03/13/2022 Spring Registered Clay Shoot
03/11/2022 Permian Basin API Team Chapter Event
02/20/2022 Frozen Rgistered Clay Shoot (NSCA)
02/15/2022 2022 MSA Annual Member Meeting
01/29/2022 ICORE Permian Basin Wheel Guns
01/22/2022 Precision Pistol - CANCELLED (brrrrrr)
01/08/2022 Permian Basin IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
12/25/2021 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
12/05/2021 Noel Clays NSCA Tournament
11/27/2021 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
11/16/2021 Board Of Director's Meeting
11/14/2021 F Class Rifle Competition (Range B closed during match)
11/13/2021 Semper Fi Clays NSCA Tournament
10/30/2021 ICORE Local
10/23/2021 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
10/16/2021 Appleseed (range B closed during the event)
10/10/2021 F Class Rifle Competition (Range B closed during match)
10/09/2021 Harvest Clays NSCA Tournament
09/25/2021 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
09/19/2021 All American Clays NSCA Tournament
09/18/2021 Bullseye!
09/12/2021 F Class Rifle Competition (Range B closed during match)
09/02/2021 PBPA Charity Shoot
08/28/2021 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
08/26/2021 F Class Practice (range B closed during practice)
08/21/2021 Bullseye!
08/17/2021 Board Of Director's Meeting
08/15/2021 Monsoon Clays NSCA Tournament
08/08/2021 F Class Rifle Competition (Range B closed during match)
07/24/2021 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
07/22/2021 F Class Practice (range B closed during practice)
07/18/2021 Steel Challenge (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
07/18/2021 ***Canceled***ATA REGISTERED SHOOT
07/17/2021 Bullseye!
07/16/2021 PBRCADA Charity Shoot
07/11/2021 F Class Rifle Competition (Range B closed during match)
07/10/2021 **Canceled - 7/10/21 Rifle & Pistol Range Board of Management Meeting**
07/09/2021 Texas Shootout Benchrest Match (click here to see details of Range B closure)
07/04/2021 Independence Clays NSCA Tournament
06/26/2021 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
06/24/2021 F Class Practice (range B closed during practice)
06/19/2021 Bullseye!
06/13/2021 F Class Rifle Competition (Range B closed during match)
06/10/2021 West Texas Food Bank - Charity Shoot
06/05/2021 Patron Clays NSCA Tournament
05/27/2021 F Class Practice (range B closed during practice)
05/22/2021 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
05/18/2021 Board Of Director's Meeting
05/16/2021 F Class Rifle Competition (Range B closed during match)
05/15/2021 Bullseye!
04/24/2021 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
04/18/2021 F Class Rifle Competition (Range B closed during match)
04/17/2021 Bullseye!
04/17/2021 West Texas Championship NSCA Tournament
04/13/2021 Shotgun Range Board of Management Meeting
04/09/2021 Ellen Noel Art Museum Charity Shoot
04/09/2021 Buffalo Shoot benchrest match (range B closed for match)
04/04/2021 Easter Sunday - Shotgun Range Closed
03/27/2021 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
03/20/2021 Bullseye!
03/17/2021 Members Meeting
03/14/2021 F Class Rifle Competition (Range B closed during match)
03/13/2021 Pot O' Gold Clays NSCA Tournament
02/27/2021 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
02/27/2021 MSA Wheel Gun Rally (revolver match)
02/21/2021 F Class Rifle Competition (Range B closed during match)
02/20/2021 Bullseye - CANCELLED! (too durn cold)
02/20/2021 Groundhog Clays NSCA Tournament
02/16/2021 Members Meeting - POSTPONED DUE TO WEATHER
02/13/2021 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
01/30/2021 Work Day at R&P
01/24/2021 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
01/24/2021 Black Ice Clays NSCA Tournament
01/23/2021 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
01/16/2021 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "1200" Match - Range E closed
01/10/2021 F Class Rifle Competition (Range B closed during match)
01/09/2021 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
01/09/2021 Centerfire Benchrest (click here for details on Range B closure)
01/03/2021 ARA Rimfire Benchrest (Range B closed 11:00 to match completion)
12/27/2020 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
12/19/2020 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
12/19/2020 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
12/19/2020 NSCA Registered Shoot - Holi-clays
12/16/2020 Board Of Director's Meeting (special)
12/16/2020 SGR Board of Management Meeting
12/13/2020 F Class Rifle Competition (Range B closed during match)
12/12/2020 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
12/06/2020 ARA Rimfire Benchrest (Range B closed 11:00 to match completion)
12/05/2020 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
11/28/2020 NRL22 Match - CANCELLED
11/22/2020 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
11/17/2020 Board Of Director's Meeting
11/14/2020 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
11/14/2020 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
11/10/2020 SGR BOM Meeting
11/08/2020 F Class Rifle Competition (Range B closed during match)
11/07/2020 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
11/01/2020 ARA Rimfire Benchrest (Range B closed 11:00 to match completion)
10/25/2020 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
10/24/2020 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
10/24/2020 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "1800" Match - Range E closed
10/18/2020 R&P Swap Meet & Sight-in Day!
10/11/2020 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
10/11/2020 NSCA Registered Shoot - Hallow Clays
10/10/2020 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
10/10/2020 Centerfire Benchrest (click here for details on Range B closure)
10/06/2020 SGR Board of Management Meeting
10/06/2020 SGR BOM Meeting
10/04/2020 ARA Rimfire Benchrest (Range B closed 11:00 to match completion)
10/03/2020 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
09/27/2020 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
09/26/2020 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
09/26/2020 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "2700" Match - range E closed
09/13/2020 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
09/13/2020 NSCA Registered Shoot - Fall Clays Added Money
09/12/2020 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
09/12/2020 Rimfire Silhouette Match (Range C closed until match completion)
09/12/2020 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
09/10/2020 Charity Shoot Permian Basin Assoc of Pipeliners
08/30/2020 NSCA Registered Shoot - Hot Targets
08/28/2020 Buffalo Shoot benchrest match (range B closed for match)
08/27/2020 F Class Practice (range D closed during practice)
08/23/2020 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
08/22/2020 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
08/22/2020 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "1800" Match - Range E closed
08/18/2020 Board Of Director's Meeting
08/09/2020 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
08/09/2020 ATA Registered Trap Shoot
08/08/2020 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting - CANCELLED
08/08/2020 Rimfire Silhouette Match (Range C closed until match completion)
08/08/2020 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
08/04/2020 SGR BOM Meeting
08/02/2020 ARA Rimfire Benchrest (Range B closed 11:00 to match completion)
08/01/2020 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
07/26/2020 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
07/25/2020 IDPA Club Match (bays 0-4 closed, all others open for member use)
07/25/2020 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
07/25/2020 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "1800" Match - Range E closed
07/23/2020 F Class Practice (range D closed during practice)
07/19/2020 ATA Registered Trap Shoot
07/18/2020 CANCELLED - Plinkster Match
07/12/2020 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
07/11/2020 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
07/11/2020 Rimfire Silhouette Match (Range C closed until match completion)
07/10/2020 Texas Shootout Benchrest Match (click here to see details of Range B closure)
07/05/2020 NSCA - Registered Shoot - Patriots Clays with Helice
07/04/2020 Shotgun Range Closed July 4th
07/01/2020 Patriot Clays Setup, Main Course is Closed
06/28/2020 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
06/28/2020 ATA Registered Trap Shoot
06/27/2020 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
06/27/2020 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "1800" Match - Range E closed
06/25/2020 F Class Practice (range D closed during practice)
06/25/2020 Helice shoot
06/20/2020 CANCELLED - Plinkster Match
06/16/2020 Helice Shoot at MSA Shotgun Range
06/14/2020 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
06/13/2020 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
06/13/2020 Rimfire Silhouette Match (Range C closed until match completion)
06/13/2020 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
06/13/2020 Centerfire Benchrest (click here for details on Range B closure)
06/13/2020 NSCA Registered Shoot - $Neptune Clays added money
06/07/2020 ARA Rimfire Benchrest (Range B closed 11:00 to match completion)
06/06/2020 CANCELLED - High Power Competition
06/04/2020 Special Members Meeting
06/02/2020 SGR BOM Meeting
05/28/2020 F Class Practice (range D closed during practice)
05/24/2020 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
05/23/2020 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
05/23/2020 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "1800" Match - Range E closed
05/19/2020 BOD Meeting
05/17/2020 CANCELLED - ATA Registered Trap Shoot
05/16/2020 CANCELLED - Plinkster Match
05/09/2020 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
05/09/2020 CANCELLED - Rimfire Silhouette Match
05/09/2020 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
05/09/2020 Centerfire Benchrest (click here for details on Range B closure)
05/02/2020 CANCELLED - High Power Competition
05/01/2020 Cancelled - Guns A Blazin Charity Shoot
04/26/2020 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
04/25/2020 CANCELLED - NRL22 Match
04/25/2020 CANCELLED - Precision Pistol (Bullseye)
04/23/2020 F Class Practice (range D closed during practice)
04/18/2020 Plinkster Match (silhouette range closed)
04/18/2020 Cancelled - NSCA REgistered SC SHoot - Tax Man Clays
04/11/2020 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
04/11/2020 Rimfire Silhouette Match (Range C closed until match completion)
04/11/2020 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
04/11/2020 CANCELLED - Centerfire Benchrest
04/04/2020 CANCELLED - High Power Competition
04/03/2020 Adam Blair Instruction
03/29/2020 NSCA Registered Sporting Clay Shoot
03/28/2020 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
03/28/2020 CANCELLED - Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "1800" Match
03/22/2020 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
03/21/2020 CANCELLED - Plinkster Match
03/20/2020 OSP Shooting School
03/15/2020 ATA Registered Trap Shoot
03/14/2020 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
03/14/2020 New Member Orientation
03/14/2020 CANCELLED - Rimfire Silhouette Match
03/14/2020 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
03/14/2020 CHARITY SHOOT - Oilfield Helping Hands
03/08/2020 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
03/07/2020 New Member Orientation
03/07/2020 CANCELLED - High Power Competition
03/06/2020 Midland Shriners Charity Event
03/01/2020 ARA Rimfire Benchrest (Range B closed 11:00 to match completion)
02/29/2020 Work Day at R&P
02/23/2020 New Member Orientation
02/23/2020 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
02/23/2020 Season Opener - Added Money Registered Sporting Clay Shoot
02/22/2020 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
02/22/2020 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "1800" Match - Range E closed
02/18/2020 Members Meeting
02/15/2020 CANCELLED! Special BOD Meeting
02/15/2020 New Member Orientation
02/15/2020 Plinkster Match (silhouette range closed)
02/09/2020 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
02/08/2020 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
02/08/2020 New Member Orientation
02/08/2020 Rimfire Silhouette Match (Range C closed until match completion)
02/08/2020 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
02/08/2020 Adam Blair - Shooting lessons
02/02/2020 Rimfire Benchrest (Range B closed during match)
02/01/2020 New Member Orientation
02/01/2020 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
01/26/2020 New Member Orientation
01/26/2020 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
01/25/2020 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
01/25/2020 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "900" Match - Range E closed
01/18/2020 Plinkster Match (silhouette range closed)
01/18/2020 New Member Orientation
01/12/2020 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
01/11/2020 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
01/11/2020 New Member Orientation
01/11/2020 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
01/04/2020 New Member Orientation
01/04/2020 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
12/29/2019 New Member Orientation
12/25/2019 SGR Closed for Christmas
12/22/2019 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
12/21/2019 New Member Orientation
12/15/2019 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
12/14/2019 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
12/14/2019 New Member Orientation
12/14/2019 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
12/08/2019 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
12/07/2019 New Member Orientation
12/07/2019 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
12/01/2019 USBR - Rimfire Benchrest (Range A-2 closed during match)
11/30/2019 New Member Orientation
11/28/2019 SGR Closed for Thanksgiving
11/24/2019 New Member Orientation
11/24/2019 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
11/23/2019 Holiday Shoot at MSA Shotgun Range
11/23/2019 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
11/19/2019 MSA BOD Meeting 7:00pm at the New Shotgun Range
11/17/2019 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
11/16/2019 New Member Orientation
11/10/2019 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
11/09/2019 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
11/09/2019 New Member Orientation
11/03/2019 USBR - Rimfire Benchrest (Range A-2 closed during match)
11/02/2019 New Member Orientation
11/02/2019 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
10/30/2019 SGR BOM Meeting
10/27/2019 New Member Orientation
10/27/2019 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
10/26/2019 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "1800" Match - Range E closed
10/20/2019 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
10/19/2019 New Member Orientation
10/17/2019 AESC Clay Shoot
10/13/2019 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
10/12/2019 New Member Orientation
10/12/2019 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
10/12/2019 Centerfire Benchrest (click here for details on Range B closure)
10/12/2019 Freedom Isn't Free Charity Shoot
10/06/2019 USBR - Rimfire Benchrest (Range A-2 closed during match)
10/05/2019 New Member Orientation
10/05/2019 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
10/02/2019 SGR Board Meeting
09/29/2019 New Member Orientation
09/28/2019 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "2700" Match - range E closed
09/22/2019 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
09/21/2019 Rimfire Benchrest Seminar!
09/15/2019 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
09/14/2019 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
09/14/2019 New Member Orientation
09/14/2019 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
09/14/2019 Centerfire Benchrest (click here for details on Range B closure)
09/13/2019 September Shootout
09/08/2019 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
09/06/2019 Buffalo Shoot benchrest match (range B closed for match)
08/26/2019 F Class Practice (ranges D & E closed, possible delays on range C)
08/25/2019 New Member Orientation
08/25/2019 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
08/24/2019 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "1800" Match - Range E closed
08/23/2019 Beat the Heat Clay Shoot
08/22/2019 F Class Practice (range D closed during practice)
08/20/2019 Board of Directors Meeting
08/19/2019 F Class Practice (ranges D & E closed, possible delays on range C)
08/18/2019 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
08/18/2019 ATA TRAP SHOOT
08/17/2019 New Member Orientation
08/17/2019 MSA 3 Gun - NO EVENT THIS MONTH (check out the Paper & Iron match at Action Masters)
08/11/2019 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
08/10/2019 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
08/10/2019 New Member Orientation
08/10/2019 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
08/10/2019 Centerfire Benchrest (click here for details on Range B closure)
08/04/2019 USBR - Rimfire Benchrest (Range A-2 closed during match)
08/03/2019 New Member Orientation
08/03/2019 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
08/03/2019 "Permian Basin Challenge" Registered NSCA
07/28/2019 New Member Orientation
07/28/2019 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
07/27/2019 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "1800" Match - Range E closed
07/25/2019 F Class Practice (range D closed during practice)
07/21/2019 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
07/21/2019 ATA TRAP SHOOT
07/20/2019 New Member Orientation
07/20/2019 MSA 3 Gun Competition (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
07/17/2019 SGR BOM MEETING
07/14/2019 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
07/13/2019 New Member Orientation
07/13/2019 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
07/13/2019 Centerfire Benchrest (click here for details on Range B closure)
07/06/2019 New Member Orientation
06/30/2019 "Hot Time Targets" Registered NSCA
06/28/2019 Texas Shootout Benchrest Match (click here to see details of Range B closure)
06/27/2019 F Class Practice (range D closed during practice)
06/23/2019 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
06/22/2019 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "2700" Match - range E closed
06/16/2019 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
06/15/2019 New Member Orientation
06/15/2019 MSA 3 Gun Competition (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
06/09/2019 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
06/08/2019 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
06/08/2019 New Member Orientation
06/08/2019 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
06/02/2019 USBR - Rimfire Benchrest (Range A-2 closed during match)
06/02/2019 New Member Orientation
06/01/2019 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
05/26/2019 New Member Orientation
05/26/2019 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
05/26/2019 ATA TRAP SHOOT
05/25/2019 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "1800" Match - Range E closed
05/23/2019 F Class Practice (range D closed during practice)
05/21/2019 Board of Directors Meeting
05/19/2019 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
05/19/2019 "Rio Pecos Shootout" Registered NSCA Sporting Clays
05/18/2019 New Member Orientation
05/18/2019 MSA 3 Gun Competition (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
05/11/2019 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
05/11/2019 New Member Orientation
05/11/2019 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
05/11/2019 Centerfire Benchrest (click here for details on Range B closure)
05/05/2019 USBR - Rimfire Benchrest (Range A-2 closed during match)
05/05/2019 USPSA
05/04/2019 New Member Orientation
05/04/2019 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
04/28/2019 New Member Orientation
04/28/2019 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
04/27/2019 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "1800" Match - Range E closed
04/25/2019 F Class Practice (range D closed during practice)
04/21/2019 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
04/21/2019 SGR Closed Easter Sunday
04/20/2019 New Member Orientation
04/20/2019 MSA 3 Gun Competition (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
04/14/2019 CANCELLED - F Class Rifle Competition
04/13/2019 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
04/13/2019 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
04/13/2019 New Member Orientation
04/13/2019 Centerfire Benchrest (click here for details on Range B closure)
04/11/2019 Big 50 Trap Shoot
04/07/2019 USBR - Rimfire Benchrest (Range A-2 closed during match)
04/06/2019 New Member Orientation
04/06/2019 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
03/30/2019 Range Response First Aid Class
03/29/2019 Thin Line Charity Shoot
03/24/2019 New Member Orientation
03/24/2019 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
03/23/2019 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "2700" Match - range E closed
03/22/2019 Scharbauer School PTA Charity Sporting Clays Event
03/17/2019 ATA Registered Trap Shoot
03/16/2019 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
03/16/2019 New Member Orientation
03/16/2019 MSA 3 Gun Competition (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
03/14/2019 Big 50 Trap Shoot
03/10/2019 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
03/09/2019 MSA Shotgun Range Night Shoot
03/09/2019 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
03/09/2019 New Member Orientation
03/09/2019 Centerfire Benchrest (click here for details on Range B closure)
03/06/2019 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
03/03/2019 New Member Orientation
03/03/2019 USBR - Rimfire Benchrest (Range A-2 closed during match)
03/02/2019 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
02/24/2019 New Member Orientation
02/24/2019 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
02/24/2019 "Slow Clays" Registered NSCA Sporting Clays
02/23/2019 IDPA Club Match
02/23/2019 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "1800" Match - Range E closed
02/19/2019 Annual Member Meeting
02/17/2019 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
02/16/2019 New Member Orientation
02/16/2019 MSA 3 Gun Competition (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
02/10/2019 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
02/09/2019 New Member Orientation
02/07/2019 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
02/06/2019 February Skeet League
02/03/2019 USBR - Rimfire Benchrest (Range A-2 closed during match)
02/02/2019 New Member Orientation
02/02/2019 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
01/27/2019 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
01/26/2019 Precision Pistol (Bullseye) "1200" Match (range E closed)
01/20/2019 New Member Orientation
01/20/2019 NRL22 Match (range B closed)
01/19/2019 MSA 3 Gun Competition (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
01/12/2019 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
01/12/2019 New Member Orientation
01/12/2019 IDPA Club Match (bays 1-5 closed, all others open for member use)
01/06/2019 USBR - Rimfire Benchrest (Range A-2 closed during match)
01/05/2019 New Member Orientation
01/05/2019 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
12/23/2018 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
12/16/2018 NRL22 Match
12/15/2018 CANCELLED - MSA 3 Gun Competition
12/09/2018 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
12/08/2018 CANCELLED - R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
12/08/2018 New Member Orientation
12/08/2018 IDPA Club Match
12/06/2018 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
12/02/2018 USBR - Rimfire Benchrest (Range A-2 closed during match)
12/01/2018 New Member Orientation
12/01/2018 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
11/25/2018 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
11/20/2018 Board of Directors Meeting
11/18/2018 NRL22 Match
11/17/2018 MSA 3 Gun Competition CANCELLED
11/11/2018 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
11/10/2018 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
11/10/2018 New Member Orientation
11/10/2018 IDPA Club Match
11/10/2018 Centerfire Benchrest (click here for details on Range B closure)
11/04/2018 USBR - Rimfire Benchrest (Range A-2 closed during match)
11/04/2018 USPSA
11/03/2018 New Member Orientation
11/03/2018 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
10/28/2018 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
10/27/2018 IDPA Club Match
10/27/2018 Bullseye Pistol "2700" Match
10/26/2018 Charity Shoot - Gunning for a Cure
10/21/2018 NRL22 Match
10/20/2018 3 Gun Competition - CANCELLED
10/14/2018 F Class Rifle **CANCELLED**
10/13/2018 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
10/13/2018 New Member Orientation
10/13/2018 IDPA Club Match
10/13/2018 Hunter Educaton Classroom Course
10/13/2018 Centerfire Benchrest (click here for details on Range B closure)
10/07/2018 USBR - Rimfire Benchrest (Range A-2 closed during match)
10/06/2018 New Member Orientation
10/06/2018 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
10/06/2018 NSCA Registered Sporting Clays - Fall Clays
10/04/2018 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
09/29/2018 IDPA Safety Officer Training (pistol bay #5 and clubhouse)
09/23/2018 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
09/22/2018 IDPA Club Match (pistol bays 2-3-4)
09/22/2018 Bullseye Pistol "1800" Match
09/16/2018 NRL22 Match
09/15/2018 New Member Orientation
09/15/2018 MSA 3 Gun Competition
09/09/2018 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
09/08/2018 CANCELLED - R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
09/08/2018 New Member Orientation
09/08/2018 RESCHEDULED! IDPA Club Match
09/08/2018 Centerfire Benchrest (click here for details on Range B closure)
09/02/2018 USPSA - CANCELLED
08/25/2018 Bullseye Pistol "2700" Match
08/25/2018 Buffalo Shoot benchrest match (range B closed for match)
08/24/2018 Beat the Heat Clay Shoot
08/23/2018 F Class Practice (range D closed during practice)
08/21/2018 Board of Directors Meeting
08/19/2018 NRL22 Match
08/18/2018 MSA 3 Gun Competition
08/12/2018 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
08/11/2018 New Member Orientation
08/11/2018 IDPA Club Match
08/11/2018 NSCA Registered Sporting Clay - Summer Clays
08/11/2018 Centerfire Benchrest (click here for details on Range B closure)
08/08/2018 Special Members Meeting
08/08/2018 Special Board of Directors Meeting
08/05/2018 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
08/05/2018 USPSA
08/04/2018 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
08/04/2018 New Member Orientation - CANCELLED!!!
08/04/2018 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
08/02/2018 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
07/28/2018 Bullseye Pistol "2700" Match
07/22/2018 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
07/21/2018 MSA 3 Gun Competition
07/15/2018 NRL22 Match
07/14/2018 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
07/14/2018 New Member Orientation
07/14/2018 IDPA Club Match
07/13/2018 SGR Night Shoot
07/08/2018 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
07/07/2018 New Member Orientation CANCELLED!
07/06/2018 Texas Shootout Benchrest Match (click here to see details of Range B closure)
07/01/2018 USPSA
06/30/2018 ATA TRAP SHOOT
06/24/2018 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
06/24/2018 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
06/23/2018 ATA Trap Shoot
06/23/2018 Bullseye Pistol "2700" Match
06/22/2018 Chartiy Shoot - Freedeom Isn't Free
06/17/2018 NRL22 Match
06/16/2018 MSA 3 Gun Competition
06/10/2018 F Class Rifle Competition
06/09/2018 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
06/09/2018 New Member Orientation
06/09/2018 IDPA Club Match
06/09/2018 Holy Cross Catholic School - Charity Shoot
06/07/2018 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
06/03/2018 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
06/03/2018 USPSA
06/02/2018 New Member Orientation
06/02/2018 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
05/27/2018 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
05/26/2018 Registered Sporting Clay Shoot - Confidence Builder
05/20/2018 NRL22 Match
05/19/2018 MSA 3 Gun Competition
05/18/2018 Texas State Outdoor Precision Pistol Championship
05/15/2018 Board of Directors Meeting
05/12/2018 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
05/12/2018 New Member Orientation
05/12/2018 IDPA Club Match
05/12/2018 ATA Trap Shoot
05/06/2018 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
05/06/2018 USPSA
05/05/2018 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
04/28/2018 Bullseye Pistol "2700" Match
04/22/2018 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
04/21/2018 MSA 3 Gun Competition
04/16/2018 Maintenance at R&P - Range "B" closed.
04/14/2018 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
04/14/2018 New Member Orientation
04/14/2018 USPSA
04/14/2018 Registered Trap shoot
04/14/2018 IDPA Club Match - CANCELLED
04/10/2018 Maintenance at R&P - Range "B" closed.
04/08/2018 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
04/08/2018 USPSA
04/07/2018 New Member Orientation
04/07/2018 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
04/07/2018 Registered Trap Shoot - Cancelled
04/01/2018 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
04/01/2018 USPSA - Rescheduled for 4/8/18
03/31/2018 Registered Trap Shoot
03/25/2018 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
03/24/2018 Bullseye Pistol "2700" Match
03/23/2018 Thin Line Shootout (charity sporting clays)
03/17/2018 MSA 3 Gun Competition
03/15/2018 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
03/10/2018 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
03/10/2018 New Member Orientation
03/10/2018 IDPA Club Match
03/10/2018 R&P Work Day
03/04/2018 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
03/04/2018 USPSA
03/03/2018 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
03/03/2018 March Madness Registered Sporting Clay Shoot
02/25/2018 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
02/24/2018 Bullseye Pistol "2700" Match
02/20/2018 Annual Member Meeting
02/20/2018 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
02/17/2018 MSA 3 Gun Competition
02/11/2018 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
02/10/2018 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
02/10/2018 New Member Orientation
02/10/2018 IDPA Club Match
02/04/2018 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
02/04/2018 USPSA
02/03/2018 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
01/28/2018 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
01/27/2018 Bullseye Pistol "1800" Match
01/20/2018 MSA 3 Gun Competition
01/13/2018 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
01/13/2018 New Member Orientation
01/13/2018 IDPA Club Match
01/07/2018 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
01/07/2018 USPSA
01/06/2018 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
12/10/2017 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
12/09/2017 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
12/09/2017 New Member Orientation
12/09/2017 IDPA Club Match
12/03/2017 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
12/03/2017 USPSA cancelled
12/02/2017 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
11/25/2017 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
11/23/2017 Shotgun Range Closed on November 23rd
11/21/2017 Board of Directors Meeting
11/21/2017 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
11/18/2017 MSA 3 Gun Competition
11/18/2017 St. Stephens Clay Fun Shoot
11/12/2017 F Class Rifle Competition **there has been a change of plans contact match director for further information at 432-889-8721
11/11/2017 New Member Orientation
11/11/2017 IDPA Club Match
11/05/2017 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
11/05/2017 USPSA
11/04/2017 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
11/04/2017 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
10/29/2017 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
10/28/2017 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
10/22/2017 F Minus Rifle Competition CANCELLED
10/21/2017 MSA 3 Gun Competition
10/17/2017 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
10/14/2017 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
10/14/2017 New Member Orientation
10/14/2017 IDPA Club Match
10/08/2017 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
10/07/2017 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
10/01/2017 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
10/01/2017 USPSA
09/24/2017 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
09/16/2017 MSA 3 Gun Competition
09/10/2017 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
09/09/2017 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
09/09/2017 New Member Orientation
09/09/2017 IDPA Club Match
09/09/2017 Back To School Clays - CANCELLED
09/03/2017 USPSA
09/02/2017 New Member Orientation - Cancelled
08/27/2017 F Minus Rifle Competition - CANCELED
08/26/2017 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1200" Match
08/26/2017 Buffalo Shoot benchrest match (range B closed for match)
08/22/2017 F Class Practice Session (ranges D & E closed, range C may experience delays)
08/15/2017 Board of Directors Meeting
08/15/2017 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
08/13/2017 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
08/12/2017 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
08/12/2017 New Member Orientation
08/12/2017 IDPA Club Match
08/06/2017 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
08/06/2017 USPSA
08/05/2017 New Member Orientation
08/05/2017 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
07/30/2017 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
07/25/2017 F Class Practice Session (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
07/23/2017 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
07/22/2017 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1200" Match
07/15/2017 MSA 3 Gun Competition
07/09/2017 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
07/08/2017 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
07/08/2017 Cancelled - New Member Orientation
07/08/2017 IDPA Club Match
07/08/2017 Texas Shootout Benchrest Match (click here to see details of Range B closure)
07/02/2017 USPSA
07/01/2017 Cancelled - New Member Orientation
06/27/2017 F Class Practice Session (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
06/25/2017 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
06/25/2017 CANCELLED - Hot Clays - Registered Sporting Clay Shoot
06/24/2017 ATA Registred Trap Shoot
06/24/2017 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1200" Match
06/18/2017 Rifle and Pistol Swap Meet
06/17/2017 MSA 3 Gun Competition
06/11/2017 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
06/11/2017 Midland 4 H Fundraiser whizbang Shoot
06/10/2017 Cancelled - R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
06/10/2017 New Member Orientation
06/10/2017 Benchrest Match
06/10/2017 IDPA Club Match
06/04/2017 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
06/04/2017 USPSA
06/03/2017 New Member Orientation
06/03/2017 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
05/28/2017 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
05/27/2017 Precision Pistol Competition - "2700" Match
05/23/2017 F Class Practice Session (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
05/20/2017 MSA 3 Gun Competition
05/16/2017 Board of Directors Meeting
05/16/2017 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
05/14/2017 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
05/13/2017 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
05/13/2017 New Member Orientation
05/13/2017 Family Fun Day and Swap Meet
05/13/2017 IDPA Club Match
05/07/2017 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
05/07/2017 USPSA
05/06/2017 New Member Orientation
05/06/2017 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
05/05/2017 Freedom Isn't Free Charity Shoot
04/30/2017 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
04/25/2017 F Class Practice Session (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
04/23/2017 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
04/22/2017 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
04/22/2017 Precision Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
04/16/2017 Shotgun Range Closure
04/15/2017 R&P work day
04/15/2017 MSA 3 Gun Competition
04/09/2017 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
04/08/2017 New Member Orientation
04/08/2017 IDPA Club Match
04/02/2017 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
04/02/2017 USPSA
04/01/2017 New Member Orientation
04/01/2017 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
04/01/2017 Shotgun Range New Hours
03/26/2017 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
03/26/2017 USPSA
03/25/2017 Precision Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
03/18/2017 MSA 3 Gun Competition
03/16/2017 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
03/12/2017 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
03/11/2017 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
03/11/2017 New Member Orientation
03/11/2017 CANCELLED - Windy Clays - Registered Sporting Clay Shoot
03/11/2017 IDPA Club Match
03/05/2017 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
03/05/2017 USPSA
03/04/2017 New Member Orientation
03/04/2017 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
02/26/2017 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
02/25/2017 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1200" Match
02/21/2017 Annual Member Meeting
02/21/2017 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
02/18/2017 MSA 3 Gun Competition
02/12/2017 F Class Rifle Competition - CANCELLED!
02/11/2017 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
02/11/2017 New Member Orientation
02/11/2017 IDPA Club Match
02/05/2017 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
02/05/2017 USPSA
02/04/2017 New Member Orientation
02/04/2017 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
01/29/2017 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
01/28/2017 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "900" Match
01/28/2017 ATA Trap Shoot
01/22/2017 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
01/21/2017 MSA 3 Gun Competition
01/14/2017 New Member Orientation
01/14/2017 CANCELLED! IDPA Club Match
01/08/2017 F Class Rifle Competition (ranges D & E closed during match, range C may experience delays)
01/07/2017 New Member Orientation
01/07/2017 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
01/01/2017 USPSA
12/24/2016 Shotgun Range closed
12/10/2016 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
12/10/2016 New Member Orientation
12/04/2016 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
12/03/2016 New Member Orientation
12/03/2016 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
11/23/2016 IDPA Practice Session
11/19/2016 St. Stephens Catholic Church - Charity Sporting Clay Shoot
11/15/2016 Board of Directors Meeting
11/15/2016 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
11/12/2016 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
11/12/2016 New Member Orientation
11/06/2016 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
11/05/2016 New Member Orientation
11/05/2016 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
10/29/2016 CANCELLED - Appleseed
10/23/2016 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
10/22/2016 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
10/22/2016 CANCELLED! Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
10/19/2016 IDPA Practice Session
10/18/2016 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
10/16/2016 Scary Clays (NSCA Sporting Clays)
10/08/2016 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting - Cancelled
10/08/2016 New Member Orientation
10/02/2016 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
10/01/2016 New Member Orientation
10/01/2016 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
09/25/2016 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
09/24/2016 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
09/24/2016 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
09/21/2016 IDPA Practice Session
09/11/2016 F Class Rifle Competition
09/10/2016 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
09/10/2016 New Member Orientation
09/10/2016 Buffalo Shoot benchrest match (range B closed for match)
09/03/2016 New Member Orientation
08/28/2016 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
08/27/2016 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
08/27/2016 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1200" Match
08/16/2016 Board of Directors Meeting
08/16/2016 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
08/13/2016 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
08/13/2016 New Member Orientation
08/10/2016 NRA Eddie Eagle Kid Safe Program
08/07/2016 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
08/06/2016 New Member Orientation
08/06/2016 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
07/30/2016 Fundamentals of Combat Focus Shooting
07/24/2016 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
07/23/2016 Silhouette Match- CANCELLED!
07/17/2016 Hot Little Clays (NSCA Sporting Clays)
07/09/2016 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
07/09/2016 New Member Orientation
07/09/2016 IDPA Club Match
07/08/2016 Shotgun Range Night Shoot!
07/02/2016 Texas Shootout Benchrest Match (click here to see details of Range B closure)
07/01/2016 SUMMER LEAGUE
06/26/2016 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
06/25/2016 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
06/11/2016 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
06/11/2016 New Member Orientation
06/11/2016 IDPA Club Match
06/05/2016 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
06/04/2016 New Member Orientation
06/04/2016 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
06/04/2016 Young Guns (Range E closed)
05/28/2016 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
05/28/2016 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1200" Match
05/22/2016 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
05/17/2016 Board of Directors Meeting
05/17/2016 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
05/14/2016 New Member Orientation
05/14/2016 IDPA Club Match
05/13/2016 Shotgun Range Night Shoot!
05/07/2016 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
05/07/2016 New Member Orientation
05/07/2016 Pistol Bay 5 closed 10:00-3:00
05/07/2016 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
05/01/2016 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
04/26/2016 F Class Practice Session (Range D closes at 6:15 pm)
04/24/2016 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
04/23/2016 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
04/23/2016 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1200" Match
04/19/2016 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
04/17/2016 Hint of Spring Clays (NSCA Sporting Clays)
04/09/2016 New Member Orientation
04/09/2016 Appleseed (range B closed during the event)
04/03/2016 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
04/02/2016 New Member Orientation
04/02/2016 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
03/27/2016 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
03/26/2016 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
03/26/2016 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1200" Match
03/12/2016 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
03/12/2016 New Member Orientation
03/12/2016 MSA Benchrest Club Match
03/06/2016 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
03/05/2016 New Member Orientation
03/05/2016 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
02/28/2016 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
02/27/2016 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
02/27/2016 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1200" Match
02/21/2016 CANCELED! Wild Winter Clays (NSCA Sporting Clays)
02/16/2016 Annual Member Meeting
02/16/2016 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
02/14/2016 F Class Rifle Competition
02/13/2016 New Member Orientation
02/13/2016 MSA Benchrest Club Match
02/07/2016 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
02/06/2016 New Member Orientation
02/06/2016 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
01/31/2016 F Class Rifle Competition
01/24/2016 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
01/23/2016 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "900" Match
01/16/2016 MSA 3 Gun Competition
01/10/2016 F Class Rifle Competition
01/09/2016 New Member Orientation
01/09/2016 IDPA Club Match
12/21/2015 Shotgun Range closed for the holidays!
12/20/2015 Cooling Off Clays (Sporting Clays)
12/19/2015 CANCELED! MSA 3 Gun Competition
12/13/2015 F Class Rifle Competition
12/12/2015 New Member Orientation
12/12/2015 IDPA Club Match
12/06/2015 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
12/06/2015 Defensive Focus Shooting
12/05/2015 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
12/05/2015 New Member Orientation
12/05/2015 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
11/29/2015 F Class Rifle Competition
11/28/2015 CANCELED! - Bullseye Pistol Competition - "900" Match
11/22/2015 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
11/21/2015 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
11/15/2015 Reaching Your Peak Clays (Sporting Clays)
11/14/2015 New Member Orientation
11/14/2015 IDPA Club Match
11/08/2015 F Class Rifle Competition
11/07/2015 New Member Orientation
11/07/2015 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
11/01/2015 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
10/25/2015 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
10/25/2015 !CANCELED! Jack-O-Lantern Clays
10/24/2015 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
10/24/2015 Bullseye Pistol Competition - CANCELED!
10/13/2015 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
10/11/2015 F Class Rifle Competition
10/10/2015 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
10/10/2015 New Member Orientation
10/10/2015 "Ten-Ten" Registered Skeet Shoot
10/10/2015 IDPA Club Match
10/04/2015 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
10/03/2015 New Member Orientation
10/03/2015 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
09/27/2015 Defensive Focus Shooting
09/27/2015 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
09/26/2015 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
09/26/2015 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
09/20/2015 Indian Summer Clays (Sporting Clays)
09/19/2015 NSSF First Shots (intro to shooting sports clinic)
09/19/2015 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
09/13/2015 F Class Rifle Competition
09/12/2015 New Member Orientation
09/12/2015 "Where's The Dove" Registered Skeet Shoot
09/12/2015 IDPA Club Match
09/05/2015 New Member Orientation
08/30/2015 F Class Rifle Competition
08/29/2015 Swap Meet at the Shotgun Range!
08/28/2015 Buffalo Shoot benchrest match (range B closed for match)
08/25/2015 F Class Practice Session (Range D closes at 6:15 pm)
08/23/2015 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
08/23/2015 Summer Heat Clays (Sporting Clays)
08/22/2015 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
08/22/2015 "The Hot One" Registered Skeet Shoot
08/22/2015 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
08/15/2015 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
08/15/2015 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
08/09/2015 F Class Rifle Competition
08/08/2015 New Member Orientation
08/08/2015 IDPA Club Match
08/02/2015 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
08/01/2015 New Member Orientation
08/01/2015 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
07/28/2015 F Class Practice Session (Range D closes at 6:15 pm)
07/26/2015 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
07/25/2015 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
07/25/2015 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1200" Match
07/19/2015 Hot Little Clays (Sporting Clays)
07/18/2015 "The 'Merica" Registered Skeet Shoot
07/18/2015 NSSF First Shots - CANCELED
07/18/2015 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
07/12/2015 F Class Rifle Competition
07/11/2015 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
07/11/2015 New Member Orientation
07/11/2015 IDPA Club Match
06/28/2015 Headed for Summer Clays (Sporting Clays)
06/27/2015 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
06/27/2015 IDPA Classifier (Bay 3 only)
06/27/2015 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
06/26/2015 Texas Shootout Benchrest Match (click here to see details of Range B closure)
06/23/2015 F Class Practice Session (Range D closes at 6:15 pm)
06/21/2015 MSA Swap Meet
06/20/2015 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
06/14/2015 F Class Rifle Competition
06/14/2015 "Heating Up" Registered Skeet Shoot
06/13/2015 CANCELED - R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
06/13/2015 New Member Orientation
06/13/2015 IDPA Club Match
06/07/2015 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
06/06/2015 New Member Orientation
06/06/2015 Defensive Focus Shooting
05/31/2015 F Class Rifle Competition
05/26/2015 F Class Practice Session (Range D closes at 6:15 pm)
05/24/2015 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
05/23/2015 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
05/23/2015 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
05/19/2015 Board of Directors Meeting
05/19/2015 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
05/17/2015 Scrappy May Clays (Sporting Clays)
05/16/2015 NSSF First Shots (intro to shooting sports clinic)
05/16/2015 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
05/10/2015 F Class Rifle Competition
05/09/2015 CANCELED - R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
05/09/2015 New Member Orientation
05/09/2015 IDPA Club Match
05/03/2015 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
05/02/2015 New Member Orientation
05/02/2015 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
04/28/2015 F Class Practice Session (Range D closes at 6:15 pm)
04/26/2015 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
04/25/2015 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
04/25/2015 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
04/19/2015 Intro to Defensive Shooting
04/19/2015 Kiss of Spring Clays (Sporting Clays)
04/18/2015 "Gearing Up" Registered Skeet Shoot
04/18/2015 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
04/12/2015 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
04/12/2015 F Class Rifle Competition
04/11/2015 New Member Orientation
04/11/2015 IDPA Club Match
04/09/2015 4-H Rifle/Pistol practice (range E closed 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm)
04/05/2015 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
04/04/2015 New Member Orientation
04/04/2015 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
04/02/2015 4-H Rifle/Pistol practice (range E closed 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm)
03/29/2015 F Class Rifle Competition
03/28/2015 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
03/28/2015 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
03/26/2015 4-H Rifle/Pistol practice (range E closed 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm)
03/22/2015 4-H Rifle/Pistol practice (range E closed 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm)
03/22/2015 Whistling Wind Clays (Sporting Clays)
03/22/2015 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
03/21/2015 NSSF First Shots - CANCELED
03/21/2015 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
03/19/2015 4-H Rifle/Pistol practice (range E closed 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm)
03/14/2015 New Member Orientation
03/14/2015 IDPA Club Match
03/12/2015 4-H Rifle/Pistol practice (range E closed 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm)
03/08/2015 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
03/08/2015 F Class Rifle Competition
03/07/2015 New Member Orientation
03/07/2015 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
03/07/2015 Fundamentals of Combat Focus Shooting
03/01/2015 4-H Rifle/Pistol practice (range E closed 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm)
03/01/2015 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
02/28/2015 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
02/28/2015 Bullseye Pistol Competition - canceled due to weather
02/22/2015 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
02/21/2015 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
02/17/2015 Annual Member Meeting
02/15/2015 4-H Rifle/Pistol practice (range E closed 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm)
02/15/2015 Intro to Defensive Shooting
02/14/2015 New Member Orientation
02/14/2015 IDPA Club Match
02/08/2015 F Class Rifle Competition
02/07/2015 New Member Orientation
02/07/2015 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
02/01/2015 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
02/01/2015 US Benchrest - Rimfire - CANCELED
01/25/2015 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
01/24/2015 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
01/24/2015 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1200" Match
01/18/2015 "The Cold One" Registered Skeet Shoot
01/17/2015 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
01/11/2015 F Class Rifle Competition
01/10/2015 New Member Orientation
01/10/2015 IDPA Club Match
01/04/2015 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
01/03/2015 New Member Orientation
01/03/2015 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
12/28/2014 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
12/20/2014 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
12/14/2014 F Class Rifle Competition
12/13/2014 IDPA Club Match
12/07/2014 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
12/07/2014 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
12/06/2014 New Member Orientation
12/06/2014 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
11/30/2014 F Class Rifle Competition
11/23/2014 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
11/22/2014 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "900" Match
11/18/2014 Board of Directors Meeting
11/18/2014 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
11/15/2014 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
11/09/2014 F Class Rifle Competition
11/08/2014 New Member Orientation
11/08/2014 IDPA Club Match
11/02/2014 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
11/01/2014 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
11/01/2014 New Member Orientation
11/01/2014 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
10/26/2014 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
10/25/2014 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
10/25/2014 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
10/21/2014 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
10/18/2014 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
10/13/2014 Rifle/Pistol Range - Partial Closure!
10/12/2014 F Class Rifle Competition
10/12/2014 Jack-O-Lantern Clays (Sporting Clays)
10/11/2014 New Member Orientation
10/11/2014 IDPA Club Match
10/05/2014 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
10/04/2014 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
10/04/2014 New Member Orientation
10/04/2014 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
09/28/2014 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
09/27/2014 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
09/27/2014 Zins-Moody Clinic
09/27/2014 Indian Summer Clays (Sporting Clays)
09/20/2014 NSSF First Shots (intro to shooting clinic for women only)
09/20/2014 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
09/14/2014 F Class Rifle Competition
09/13/2014 New Member Orientation
09/13/2014 IDPA Club Match
09/06/2014 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
09/06/2014 New Member Orientation
08/31/2014 F Class Rifle Competition
08/30/2014 Buffalo Shoot benchrest match (range B closed for match)
08/29/2014 Buffalo Shoot set-up (range B closes at 5:00 pm)
08/24/2014 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
08/24/2014 Summer Heat Clays (Sporting Clays)
08/23/2014 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
08/23/2014 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
08/19/2014 Board of Directors Meeting
08/19/2014 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
08/16/2014 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
08/10/2014 F Class Rifle Competition
08/09/2014 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
08/09/2014 New Member Orientation
08/09/2014 IDPA Club Match
08/03/2014 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
08/02/2014 New Member Orientation
08/02/2014 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
07/27/2014 F Minus Rifle Competition - CANCELLED
07/26/2014 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
07/26/2014 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
07/24/2014 4-H Rifle/Pistol practice (range E closed 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm)
07/20/2014 Rifle Barrel Cleaning & Maintenance Clinic
07/20/2014 Hot Little Devil Clays (Sporting Clays)
07/19/2014 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
07/17/2014 4-H Rifle/Pistol practice (range E closed 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm)
07/15/2014 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
07/13/2014 F Class Rifle Competition
07/12/2014 CANCELLED - R&P Range Board of Management Meeting - CANCELLED!
07/12/2014 New Member Orientation
07/12/2014 IDPA Club Match
07/10/2014 4-H Rifle/Pistol practice (range E closed 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm)
06/29/2014 F Class Rifle Competition
06/29/2014 Headed for Summer Clays (Sporting Clays)
06/28/2014 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
06/28/2014 Combat Focus Shooting class
06/28/2014 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
06/26/2014 4-H Rifle/Pistol practice (range E closed 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm)
06/22/2014 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
06/21/2014 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
06/14/2014 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
06/14/2014 New Member Orientation
06/14/2014 FREEDOM ISN'T FREE Benefit Shoot
06/14/2014 IDPA Club Match
06/08/2014 F Class Rifle Competition
06/07/2014 New Member Orientation
06/07/2014 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
06/01/2014 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
05/25/2014 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
05/24/2014 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
05/24/2014 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
05/20/2014 Board of Directors Meeting
05/20/2014 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
05/17/2014 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
05/17/2014 Sprappy May Clays (Sporting Clays)
05/11/2014 F Class Rifle Competition
05/10/2014 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
05/10/2014 New Member Orientation
05/10/2014 IDPA Club Match
05/04/2014 Reloading Class
05/04/2014 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
05/03/2014 New Member Orientation
05/03/2014 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
04/27/2014 Kiss of Spring Clays (Sporting Clays)
04/27/2014 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
04/26/2014 Silhouette Match (.22 Rifle/Pistol and Big Bore Pistol)
04/26/2014 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
04/19/2014 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
04/19/2014 Appleseed
04/13/2014 F Class Rifle Competition
04/12/2014 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
04/12/2014 New Member Orientation
04/12/2014 Multi-gun Charity Match (range D and pistol bays closed during match)
04/06/2014 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
04/05/2014 New Member Orientation
04/05/2014 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
03/30/2014 F Class Rifle Competition
03/30/2014 Whistling Wind Clays (Sporting Clays)
03/23/2014 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
03/22/2014 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1800" Match
03/15/2014 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
03/09/2014 F Class Rifle Competition
03/08/2014 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
03/08/2014 New Member Orientation
03/08/2014 IDPA Club Match
03/02/2014 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
03/01/2014 New Member Orientation
03/01/2014 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
02/23/2014 Combat Focus Shooting class
02/23/2014 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
02/23/2014 Wild Winter Clays (Sporting Clays)
02/22/2014 Bullseye Pistol Competition - "1200" Match
02/18/2014 Annual Member Meeting
02/18/2014 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
02/15/2014 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
02/09/2014 F Class Rifle Competition
02/08/2014 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
02/08/2014 New Member Orientation
02/08/2014 IDPA Club Match
02/02/2014 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
02/01/2014 New Member Orientation
02/01/2014 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
01/26/2014 NSCA Registered Sporting Clay Shoot
01/26/2014 F Minus Rifle Competition (range B closed during match)
01/25/2014 Bullseye Pistol Competition - Rimfire "900" Match
01/18/2014 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
01/12/2014 F Class Rifle Competition
01/11/2014 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
01/11/2014 New Member Orientation
01/11/2014 IDPA Club Match
01/05/2014 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
01/04/2014 New Member Orientation
01/04/2014 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
01/01/2014 Shotgun Range closed, happy holidays!
12/29/2013 F Class Rifle Competition
12/24/2013 Shotgun Range closed, happy holidays!
12/21/2013 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
12/14/2013 New Member Orientation
12/08/2013 F Class Rifle Competition
12/07/2013 New Member Orientation
12/07/2013 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
12/01/2013 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
11/19/2013 Board of Directors Meeting
11/19/2013 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
11/16/2013 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
11/12/2013 Rifle & Pistol Range - closure
11/10/2013 F Class Rifle Competition
11/09/2013 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
11/09/2013 New Member Orientation
11/09/2013 IDPA Club Match
11/09/2013 Appleseed
11/03/2013 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
11/02/2013 New Member Orientation
11/02/2013 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
10/26/2013 Rimfire Silhouette Match
10/19/2013 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
10/15/2013 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
10/13/2013 F Class Rifle Competition
10/12/2013 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
10/12/2013 New Member Orientation
10/12/2013 IDPA Club Match
10/06/2013 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
10/05/2013 New Member Orientation
10/05/2013 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
09/29/2013 F Class Rifle Competition
09/28/2013 Rimfire Silhouette Match
09/24/2013 F Class Rifle Practice
09/21/2013 Campfire Kids - range E closed until noon
09/21/2013 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
09/15/2013 Big Bore Silhouette Match
09/14/2013 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
09/14/2013 New Member Orientation
09/14/2013 IDPA Club Match
09/08/2013 F Class Rifle Competition
09/08/2013 Fast Flying Clay Dove's (Sporting Clays)
09/07/2013 New Member Orientation
09/05/2013 Special Member Meeting
08/31/2013 Buffalo Shoot (benchrest)
08/27/2013 F Class Rifle Practice
08/24/2013 Rimfire Silhouette Match
08/20/2013 Board of Directors Meeting
08/20/2013 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
08/18/2013 Big Bore Silhouette Match
08/17/2013 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
08/11/2013 F Class Rifle Competition
08/10/2013 New Member Orientation
08/10/2013 IDPA Club Match
08/04/2013 Wild Clay's (Sporting Clays)
08/03/2013 New Member Orientation
08/03/2013 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
07/27/2013 Rimfire Silhouette Match
07/23/2013 F Class Rifle Practice
07/20/2013 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
07/14/2013 F Class Rifle Competition
07/13/2013 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
07/13/2013 New Member Orientation
07/13/2013 IDPA Club Match
07/07/2013 Freedom Clay's (Sporting Clays)
07/06/2013 New Member Orientation
06/30/2013 F Class Rifle Competition
06/29/2013 Texas Shootout Benchrest Match (range B closed until match is complete)
06/25/2013 F Class Rifle Practice
06/23/2013 Big Bore Silhouette Match
06/22/2013 Rimfire Silhouette Match
06/15/2013 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
06/09/2013 F Class Rifle Competition
06/08/2013 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
06/08/2013 New Member Orientation
06/08/2013 IDPA Club Match
06/02/2013 June's Speeders (Sporting Clays)
06/01/2013 New Member Orientation
06/01/2013 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
05/28/2013 F Class Rifle Practice
05/25/2013 Rimfire Silhouette Match
05/21/2013 Board of Directors Meeting
05/21/2013 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
05/19/2013 May's Clays (Sporting Clays)
05/18/2013 New Member Orientation
05/12/2013 F Class Rifle Competition - ranges C, D, E closed until match is complete
05/12/2013 Big Bore Silhouette Match
05/12/2013 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
05/11/2013 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
05/11/2013 New Member Orientation
05/11/2013 IDPA Club Match
05/11/2013 Appleseed
05/04/2013 New Member Orientation
05/04/2013 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
04/27/2013 Rimfire Silhouette Match
04/23/2013 F Class Rifle Practice
04/21/2013 Spring Green Clays (Sporting Clays)
04/20/2013 New Member Orientation
04/20/2013 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
04/14/2013 F Class Rifle Competition - Ranges C, D, & E closed
04/14/2013 Big Bore Silhouette Match
04/13/2013 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
04/13/2013 New Member Orientation
04/13/2013 Benchrest
04/13/2013 IDPA Club Match
04/08/2013 RANGE CLOSURE!
04/07/2013 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
04/06/2013 New Member Orientation
04/06/2013 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
04/02/2013 RANGE CLOSURE!
03/31/2013 F Class Rifle Competition
03/30/2013 Family Fun Day!
03/24/2013 Sahara Orange Domes (Sporting Clays)
03/23/2013 CANCELLED - Rimfire Silhouette Match
03/19/2013 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
03/18/2013 RANGE CLOSURE!
03/17/2013 Big Bore Silhouette Match
03/16/2013 New Member Orientation
03/16/2013 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
03/10/2013 F Class Rifle Competition
03/09/2013 New Member Orientation
03/09/2013 IDPA Club Match
03/03/2013 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
03/02/2013 New Member Orientation
03/02/2013 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
02/24/2013 Cold Clay's (Sporting Clays)
02/23/2013 Rimfire Silhouette Match
02/19/2013 Annual Member Meeting
02/19/2013 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
02/17/2013 Big Bore Silhouette Match
02/16/2013 New Member Orientation
02/16/2013 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
02/10/2013 F Class Rifle Competition
02/09/2013 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
02/09/2013 New Member Orientation
02/09/2013 IDPA Club Match
02/07/2013 MSA Board of Directors Meeting
02/03/2013 US Benchrest - Rimfire (Range A-2 closed during match)
02/02/2013 New Member Orientation
02/02/2013 High Power Competition (Range B closed until complete)
01/20/2013 Big Bore Silhouette Match
01/19/2013 New Member Orientation
01/19/2013 Rimfire Silhouette Match
01/19/2013 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
01/13/2013 F Class Rifle Competition
01/12/2013 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
01/12/2013 New Member Orientation
01/12/2013 Permian Basin IDPA Club Match
01/08/2013 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
01/06/2013 US Benchrest - Rimfire
01/06/2013 Start New Year Right (Sporting Clays)
01/05/2013 New Member Orientation
01/05/2013 High Power Competition
12/30/2012 F Class Rifle Competition
12/15/2012 New Member Orientation
12/15/2012 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
12/11/2012 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
12/09/2012 F Class Rifle Competition
12/08/2012 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
12/08/2012 New Member Orientation
12/08/2012 International Defensive Pistol Assn. match (IDPA)
11/22/2012 Shotgun Range closed for Thanksgiving!
11/20/2012 MSA Board of Directors Meeting
11/20/2012 MSA Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
11/17/2012 New Member Orientation
11/17/2012 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
11/11/2012 F Class Rifle Competition
11/10/2012 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
11/10/2012 New Member Orientation
11/10/2012 Permian Basin IDPA Club Match
11/10/2012 Appleseed Shoot
11/04/2012 US Benchrest - Rimfire
11/03/2012 New Member Orientation
11/03/2012 High Power Competition
10/27/2012 Rimfire Silhouette Match
10/20/2012 New Member Orientation
10/20/2012 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
10/14/2012 F Class Rifle Competition
10/14/2012 F Class Rifle Competition
10/13/2012 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
10/13/2012 New Member Orientation
10/13/2012 Permian Basin IDPA Club Match
10/07/2012 Rimfire Silhouette Match
10/06/2012 New Member Orientation
10/06/2012 High Power Competition
09/22/2012 Rimfire Silhouette Match
09/17/2012 Rifle & Pistol Range temporarily CLOSED!
09/16/2012 Big Bore Silhouette Match
09/15/2012 R&P Range Board of Management Meeting
09/15/2012 New Member Orientation
09/15/2012 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
09/13/2012 Rifle & Pistol Range temporarily CLOSED!
09/09/2012 F Class Rifle Competition
09/08/2012 New Member Orientation
09/08/2012 Permian Basin IDPA Club Match
09/08/2012 Buffalo Classic - Range "B" closed
09/01/2012 NO Range Orientation
08/30/2012 IDPA Practice - 6:00 pm to sunset
08/27/2012 Rifle & Pistol Range CLOSED!
08/25/2012 Rimfire Silhouette Match
08/23/2012 IDPA Practice - 6:00 pm to sunset
08/19/2012 New Member Orientation
08/19/2012 Big Bore Silhouette Match
08/18/2012 MSA 3 Gun Competition (range D closed until noon)
08/16/2012 IDPA Practice - 6:00 pm to sunset
08/12/2012 F Class Rifle Competition
08/12/2012 New Member Orientation
08/11/2012 International Defensive Pistol Assn. match (IDPA)
08/09/2012 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
08/09/2012 IDPA Practice - 6:00 pm to sunset
08/05/2012 Rimfire Silhouette Match
08/04/2012 New Member Orientation
07/31/2012 F Class Rifle Competition
07/29/2012 F Class Rifle Competition
07/28/2012 Rimfire Silhouette Match
07/26/2012 IDPA Practice - 6:00 pm to sunset
07/22/2012 Big Bore Silhouette Match
07/21/2012 New Member Orientation
07/21/2012 MSA 3 Gun Competition
07/19/2012 IDPA Practice - 6:00 pm to sunset
07/14/2012 Permian Basin IDPA Club Match
07/12/2012 MSA Board of Directors - SPECIAL MEETING
07/12/2012 IDPA Practice - 6:00 pm to sunset
07/10/2012 Shotgun Board of Management Meeting
07/08/2012 F Class Rifle Competition
07/07/2012 New Member Orientation
04/08/2012 High Power